Should we worry on the theme of children, screens and nature? i'd say - yes, mainly, mostly. Children nowadays spend too much time in front of screens on account of time in nature. Remember the feeling ( if you belong to "that" generation, of exploring the newness outdoors? Every thing revealed magic and excitement, evoking imagination and wonder. Things were not presented to you in a frame ( like they are on a screen); instead you spread it wide in your own mind, using a mysterious vocabulary, beyond words. Children who develop good relationships with nature seem to be resilient, more independence and with ability to listen to the needs of others. Spending time in nature helps children develop sensitivity to the world and its needs. Watching the ebb and flow of cycles of life prepare children to the ebb and flow in life in general. Seasons come and go and children seem to be connected to it, when they spend regular time outdoors. What is your experience of nature? How do you feel after spending time in nature?
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August 2023