" Imaginations is more important than knowledge" said Einstein. What do you see in the picture here? i'll help you... it's made of mud....it's created by my 5 yrs old granddaughter....have you guessed?... i tried... unsuccessfully.. i'll help you : this is a CAT BRIDGE, she explained. She built it for the cats so they could exit it their garden ( instead of getting lost without a trail... )... So simple.. so pure... and so very necessary. Who can argue the logic of a child ! And who could say that "they are just cute" ... Children's logic is so vast because it belongs to the realm of "practical world" and the "imaginative world". i'm not sure there is a difference between the two. Actually i know there is none. The only questions is if we dare dwelling in these two worlds. The first one is consensus reality; the second is as real as the first one, but it's creative; it's un-limited; it's rich exciting; it's filled with marvel, wonder and awe ! This is why children are so easily and naturally creative. Pablo Picasso said : "every child is an artist.The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up". An adult who's not afraid to "remain a child" , will find creativity a permanent dweller ( or at least frequent guest....)
Kookaburra landed next to me....fearless of my existence ( to my delight)...She was calm and present. i was sitting next to hear.. both looking at each other..in SILENCE.
Silence is the the best way to teach... to let a child observe and listen.. To let the parent /teacher to observe and listen. Much too often we jump to offer verbal explanation..while we are actually afraid of the silence. So much could be said without words... in silence... There are times we cannot shrug and say "this not my/our problem"... There are time we cannot just flip to another channel... There are times we cannot just say "it won't happen" (because similar things had happened!) There are times we cannot think "there's nothing i can do about it" ... And these times are NOW . Please read and do whatever you can. This world is your world, our world. our planet. www.huffingtonpost.com.au/entry/global-call-to-prevent-tr_b_12385158 Should we worry on the theme of children, screens and nature? i'd say - yes, mainly, mostly. Children nowadays spend too much time in front of screens on account of time in nature. Remember the feeling ( if you belong to "that" generation, of exploring the newness outdoors? Every thing revealed magic and excitement, evoking imagination and wonder. Things were not presented to you in a frame ( like they are on a screen); instead you spread it wide in your own mind, using a mysterious vocabulary, beyond words. Children who develop good relationships with nature seem to be resilient, more independence and with ability to listen to the needs of others. Spending time in nature helps children develop sensitivity to the world and its needs. Watching the ebb and flow of cycles of life prepare children to the ebb and flow in life in general. Seasons come and go and children seem to be connected to it, when they spend regular time outdoors. What is your experience of nature? How do you feel after spending time in nature? What a great gathering this conference was. Teachers from NZ, Australia, Japan and America, gathered together to share the vision. The spirit of Dr Shinichi Suzuki was alive and felt throughout this gathering. We shared the philosophy, the method, new and old ways of making music. We laughed and ate together, united by the belief of "Where love is deep - much can be accomplished".
A huge thank you to the organisers who worked tirelessly to make this event such a nurturing experience to all. Indeed we were all "nurtured by love" . |
August 2023